Conferring the National Order of Faithful Service in the rank of Knight to Ms. Acad. Georgeta Stoica

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The President of Romania

Decree no. 50/2024 regarding the awarding of the National Order Faithful Service in the rank of Knight

Effective from January 15, 2024 Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 32 of January 15, 2024. Form applicable as of January 25, 2024. Pursuant to the provisions of art. 94 lit. a) and of art. 100 of the Constitution of Romania, republished, of art. 4 para. (1) and para. (2) lit. c), of art. 6 lit. A from Law no. 29/2000 regarding the national decoration system of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, as well as the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 105/2000 regarding the reinstatement of the Order, the Cross and the National Medal for Faithful Service, approved by Law no. 543/2001, with subsequent amendments, on the occasion of the National Culture Day, as a sign of high appreciation for the special contribution to the research, protection and promotion of Romanian folk art, as well as in the registration of Romanian ethnographic museums in the world dialogue of traditional values,

The President of Romania decrees:

Unique article. –

The National Order of Faithful Service in the rank of Knight is awarded to Prof. Dr. Stoica Georgeta, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, historian, museographer, ethnologist.


Pursuant to art. 100 para. (2) of
The Constitution of Romania, republished,
we countersign this decree.


On the occasion of the National Culture Day, President Klaus Iohannis signed decrees by which he decorated several cultural personalities from Romania, according to a press release from the Presidential Administration. Among those decorated, as a sign of high appreciation for the special contribution in the research, protection and promotion of Romanian folk art, as well as in the registration of Romanian ethnographic museums in the world dialogue of traditional values, President Klaus Iohannis conferred the National Order "Faithful Service" in the rank of Knight of Prof. Dr. Stoica Georgeta, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, historian, museographer, ethnologist.

Congratulations, dear Mrs. Georgeta Stoica, the man to whom we owe so much when we talk about the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village!

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