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The conservation-restoration section of the National Village Museum "Dimitrie Guști", the former Zonal Laboratory of the 1970s, is indissolubly linked to the name of Doina Darvaș, the biologist and accomplished professional who, together with the team of restorers and researchers under her supervision, has established an elite scientific department within the museum and at national level; despite the obstacles, the work of preventive conservation, curative conservation and restoration has been continuous, and the condition and preservation conditions of the rich ethnographic heritage in the collections and the permanent outdoor exhibition have steadily improved.

Dedicated to her memory, the National Conference on Conservation-Restoration had its first edition in 2008, with the theme Current trends in cultural heritage conservation. And since then, every autumn, conservators, restorers and researchers, as well as other specialists from research institutes and academia, cultural heritage actors interested in its conservation and restoration, from both the country and abroad, gather in the generous space of the museum for a valuable exchange of experience in the difficult and noble mission of preserving and enhancing the cultural assets that define our identity.

Titles such as Control and Self-Control in Heritage Preservation, Good Practices in Knowing and Preserving National Heritage - Necessity and Utility, PRIMUM NON NOCERE - Heritage Restoration facing its "Ages", Restoration - Paying a Duty or Profitable Investment? demonstrates the current concerns of specialists in the field, and the acronym CONScience underlines once again the need for a scientific yet ethical approach to heritage preservation practice.

Associated with the conference, the RESTITUTIO Conservation-Restoration Bulletin is published bilingually (Romanian-English) every year and contains papers and posters presented by the participants. Also every year, on the occasion of the conference, the exhibition RESTORATIONS is opened, presenting to the general public the work of the Heritage Conservation-Restoration Laboratory.



CONscience 2022

"Doina Darvaș" National Conservation-Restoration Conference The "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum is happy to announce that on November 2-3, 2022 it will organize the Conference

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CONscience 2020

Restoration of cultural-artistic goods - a duty of the soul The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organizes every year - starting from 2006 - the National Conference

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CONScience 2018

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest organized the "Doina Darvaş" conservation-restoration conference, the 12th edition, 2018, with the theme of the European Year of Heritage

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CONscience 2016

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest, celebrating its 80th anniversary, organized this year the Conference of

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CONscience 2014

Between November 4-6, 2014, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized, as every year, the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference,

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CONscience 2012

Between October 31 and November 1, 2012, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized the 6th edition of the National Conservation Conference

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CONscience 2010

The third edition, from November 2010, accompanied by number 3 of the RESTITUTIO newsletter, had the theme Control and self-control in heritage preservation - a

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CONscience 2016

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest, celebrating its 80th anniversary, organized this year the Conference of

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CONscience 2015

În perioada 3-5 noiembrie 2015, Muzeul Naţional al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” a organizat, ca în fiecare an, Conferinţa naţională de conservare – restaurare „Doina Darvaş”,

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CONscience 2014

Between November 4-6, 2014, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized, as every year, the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference,

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CONscience 2013

Between November 5-7, 2013, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized, as every year, the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference,

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CONscience 2012

Between October 31 and November 1, 2012, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized the 6th edition of the National Conservation Conference

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CONscience 2011

The fourth edition of the conference, organized in November 2011, is entitled Techniques and new solutions in heritage conservation and restoration and draws attention to the importance

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CONscience 2010

The third edition, from November 2010, accompanied by number 3 of the RESTITUTIO newsletter, had the theme Control and self-control in heritage preservation - a

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The inaugural edition of the "Doina Darvaş" National Conservation-Restoration Session, which took place at the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum in Bucharest on May 15, 2008, had as its theme Current affairs and trends in the preservation of cultural heritage. Along with the establishment of this first pillar in a series of annual sessions which is desired to be as long as possible, the first issue of the conservation-restoration newsletter RESTITUTIO is launched, which includes works by specialists from the National Village Museum, as well as by other guests from within the session.

The second edition, from November 2009, accompanied by the second issue of the Restitutio bulletin, had the theme Classic and modern in the protection of heritage - the dialogue between generations, being already under the sign of the CONScience idea, which brings to the fore the attention given to conservation, sciences, as well as the science of conservation, all under the tutelage of conscience and consciousness, as well as the full force involvement of the Gustian museum in the promotion and preservation of cultural heritage.

See the program for 2019 –click here

The third edition, from November 2010, accompanied by number 3 of the RESTITUTIO newsletter, had the theme Control and self-control in heritage preservation - a call for the right balance between ethics, principles and the realities of the art of heritage conservation and restoration. The bulletin launched during the conference is for the first time bilingual, Romanian-English, thus opening up new possibilities for communication between Romanian specialists and those from abroad. At the same time, a new type of cultural event takes place, the meeting in the field of avant-garde scientific research on heritage, ConCERTO (Communication in excellence research for restoration through optoelectronic techniques), organized in collaboration with the National Research and Development Institute for Optoelectronics INOE 2000. May more information about this meeting at:

See the program for the year 2010 –click here

The fourth edition of the conference, organized in November 2011, is entitled Techniques and new solutions in heritage conservation and restoration and draws attention to the importance of research and dissemination of information in the field, the identification of innovative methods and procedures that can support conservators/restorers, but and maintaining the balance between applying the latest knowledge and respecting the principles of preservation, for an adequate and coherent approach to the heritage object. Issue 4 of the RESTITUTIO conservation-restoration bulletin is launched, also bilingual edition.

See the program for 2011 –click here

Between October 31 and November 1, 2012, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized the 6th edition of the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference, which brought together topics on the themes: preventive conservation of heritage , new possibilities in heritage investigation, conservation and restoration of built heritage and restored mobile heritage.

This year, our traditional conference was linked to the 3rd Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry, with the National Research and Development Institute for Optoelectronics (INOE) as the main organizer, in collaboration with the National Museum of the Village in Bucharest between October 29-30 , at the headquarters of the National Village Museum (additional information about this symposium can be found at

On the occasion of the conference, the book "Conservation and restoration of vernacular architecture" was launched, coordinator Dr. Vivian Dragomir, and the exhibition "Spiru Haret Schools - program of community architecture throughout the century" was opened. XX", launching the publication with the same name.

The bilingual bulletin Restitutio published on the same occasion is a double issue, which contains both the papers from the previous edition of the conference and those from the current edition.

See the program for 2012 –click here


CONscience 2013
Between November 5-7, 2013, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized, as every year, the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference, the 7th edition, with the theme of Good practices in heritage knowledge and conservation national - necessity and utility.

CONScience 2013 Sections:

  1. Research in the field of heritage conservation and restoration
  2. Good practices, standards and ethics in heritage conservation and restoration
  3. The European Year of Citizens - the preservation and restoration of the built heritage (rural or urban) versus the rebirth of the civic spirit and the consolidation of community values.

During the session, the Restituiri exhibition was opened - an exhibition of preserved and restored objects at the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village.

On the occasion of the conference, the conservation-restoration newsletter Restitutio, number 7, bilingual Ro-En edition, was launched, which contains the articles presented in CONScience 2013.

See the program for 2013 –click here


Between November 4-6, 2014, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized, as every year, the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference, the 8th edition, with the theme Realities and solutions of specialists in the field conservation and restoration of Romanian heritage in 2014, which gathered over 80 participants and 59 works.

CONScience 2014 Sections:

  1. Heritage research for preservation and restoration
  2. Preservation, storage and display of movable heritage
  3. Saving the immovable heritage in Romania 50 years after the adoption of the Venice Charter

During the session, there was also a round table regarding the reduction of the number of specialists in the field and the needs of their continuous training and preparation.

On the same occasion, the Restitutions exhibition was opened, in which more than 150 cultural-artistic goods were exhibited, both from the museum's heritage and from external beneficiaries, which were preserved and restored by certified specialists from the Conservation Laboratory - restoration. The presented pieces, of particular historical, ethnographic, theological and aesthetic value, date from the 19th and 20th centuries. The main categories present in the exhibition were cult objects, household objects, pieces of furniture and popular wear, textiles used in the peasant interior, wooden and metal objects used for hunting, as well as objects on paper support.

Another opening held during the conference was that of the exhibition Romanian restorers: the architect Horia Teodoru - 120 years since his birth, made under the auspices of the National Institute of Heritage and the Union of Romanian Architects, from the "Stamp of Architecture" Fund 2014.

On the occasion of the conference, the conservation-restoration bulletin Restitutio, number 8, bilingual Ro-En edition, was launched, which contains the articles supported within CONScience 2014.

See the program for 2014 –click here


Between November 3-5, 2015, the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organized, as every year, the "Doina Darvaş" national conservation-restoration conference, the 9th edition, with the theme Primum non nocere - Restoration of the heritage in front of his "age".

CONScience 2015 Sections:

  1. Heritage research for preservation and restoration
  2. Preservation, storage and display of movable heritage
  3. Conservation, restoration and enhancement of real estate.

During the conference, there was also the traditional round table regarding the problems encountered by specialists in the conservation - restoration activity and the ways to solve them, this year being under the sign of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian organized conservation - restoration system .

On the same occasion, the exhibitions were opened: Restoration and art, exhibition of preserved and restored objects at the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village, Restoration and religious art, of the Subsidiary Association Religious Art and Restoration of the Union of Visual Artists from Romania and Reliefs and restoration, organized in collaboration with the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism

And this year, the conference proceedings were published in the Restitutio Conservation Bulletin, volume 9, following a selection process by the scientific committee.

See the program for 2015 –click here


The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest, celebrating its 80th anniversary, organized this year the "Doina Darvaş" Conservation-Restoration Conference, the 10th edition, from November 2-4, 2016, with the topic Recovery of material and immaterial heritage - conservation and restoration attitudes, bringing together specialists in the field of heritage research, conservation and restoration.

The sections of CONScience 2016 were:

  1. Research, preservation and restoration of mobile heritage
  2. Research, conservation and restoration of real estate.

On the occasion of the conference, the Know and Save exhibition was opened, made with preserved and restored objects at the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village, as well as the exhibition Romanian restorers: the architect Ştefan Balş (1902-1994), organized by the National Heritage Institute.

And this year, the works selected by the scientific committee were published in RESTITUTIO, the bilingual conservation - restoration bulletin, no. 10.

See the program for 2016 –click here


The 11th edition of the "Doina Darvaş" Conservation-Restoration Conference, with the theme Restoration - payment of a debt or profitable investment?, held between November 1-3, 2017, intended to attract attention, through the selected scientific contributions , on the achievements and novelties in the field but also on the priorities, considering the current decline of heritage protection due to insufficient funding, the alarming reduction in the number of professionals and the misunderstanding of both the importance and the profitability of the heritage rescue activity.

The sections of CONScience 2017 were:

  1. Professional training in the service of knowledge and saving heritage
  2. Good practices in the preservation of movable heritage
  3. Saving the monuments - zero degree emergency at the national level.


On the same occasion, the exhibition Restorations was opened, made with preserved and restored objects at the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village, while the traditional round table of the conference had the theme Restoration between professionalism and imposture.

The selected works will be published in RESTITUTIO no. 11, the bilingual conservation-restoration bulletin, which will appear in 2018.

CONSCIENCE 2017 participation form

See the program for 2017 –click here

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest organized the "Doina Darvaş" Conservation-Restoration Conference, the 12th edition, 2018, with the theme of the European Year of Heritage - News and perspectives in heritage conservation and restoration. Specialists in heritage research, conservation and restoration offered an opportunity to evaluate the achievements in the field over the last hundred years, through selected scientific contributions that drew attention to the evolution of the art of restoration over time and the priorities of the moment in terms of heritage preservation and the body by dedicated specialists. CONScience 2018 took place between November 6-8 and had the following sections:
  1. Scientific laboratory research - a necessary and sufficient condition?!
  2. Case studies in the conservation and restoration of built heritage
  3. Modern strategies in the conservation and restoration of mobile heritage
In the conference program, there was also a poster session, with the theme "The Centenary Assessment in the Conservation and Restoration of the Romanian Cultural Heritage". See the program for 2018 –click here

The 13th edition of the "Doina Darvaş" conservation-restoration conference had the theme Quo vadis? – Current practices and trends in cultural heritage preservation.

The meeting represented an opportunity for specialists in heritage research, conservation and restoration to exchange experience and present real cases, as well as solutions to the common problems of cultural property protectors, which were highlighted by the selected scientific contributions.

CONScience 2019 was held between November 6-8, with the following sections:

Case studies in the conservation and restoration of built heritage
Modern strategies in the conservation and restoration of mobile heritage
Laboratory scientific research

See the program for 2019 –click here

Restoration of cultural-artistic assets - a duty of the soul

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village organizes every year - since 2006 - the "Doina Darvaș" National Conservation-Restoration Conference, with the acronym CONScience. The conference is a good opportunity to meet specialists from all over the country, to exchange experience, to present real cases and concrete solutions to solve their specific problems. The results of the research, conservation and restoration of the cultural heritage presented during the Conference are published in the Bulletin of Conservation-Restoration Restitutio.

The Restitutio Bulletin no. 13, published this year, includes a number of twenty-six papers presented by specialists in the three sections of the "Doina Darvaș" Conference:

a) Scientific laboratory research

b) Case studies in the conservation and restoration of built heritage

c) Modern methods of conservation and restoration of mobile cultural heritage

In the context of the "Doina Darvaș" Conference, the specialists of the Profile Laboratory of the National Village Museum present the exhibition of preserved and restored objects. This year the event is organized under the title Restitutions - earth, water, air, fire and includes a number of over two hundred and fifty cultural goods from the heritage of our institution, which have been subjected to specialized interventions, with various degrees of difficulty. The exhibited goods show great diversity, are very valuable and have been carefully selected from the museum's collections, to illustrate the four fundamental principles of existence - earth, water, air and fire, defining elements for Romanian village life. Those interested will have the opportunity to discover goods displayed for the first time in the exhibition, which prove the permanent concerns of researchers, conservators, restorers and investigators to know the cultural heritage and prolong its existence.

The exhibition can be visited between December 11, 2020 and March 31, 2021, from Wednesday to Sunday, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at the "Gheorghe Focșa" Hall, entrance at Kiseleff 28.

The "Doina Darvaș" National Conservation-Restoration Conference is an opportunity for specialists in heritage research, conservation and restoration to exchange experience and present real cases, as well as solutions for the common problems of the guardians of cultural assets, on which we wish to attract attention through selected scientific contributions.

The 16th edition, CONScience 2022, with the theme Preservation of heritage: practical examples usable in teaching activity, will take place between November 2 and 3 and will include the following sections:

  • Case studies in conservation and restoration of built heritage
  • Modern strategies in the conservation and restoration of mobile heritage
  • Scientific laboratory research

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