programADOPT A HOMEkeep going!
Launched in early 2019 with the aim of developing restoration projects for objects in the permanent outdoor exhibition with the support of local communities. It materialized on the occasion of the Village Museum Days - 2019 when the community from the village of Șant, Bistrița Năsăud county, represented by the mayor Ioan Szabo, responded positively to our initiative.
Thus, on October 14, 2019, Casa Șant, which belonged to the renowned carpenter and joiner Emil Grapini, entered the restoration process. The team of craftsmen consists of: Zaharia Gălan, Constantin Dumitru, Octavian Mihai - the father, Octavian Mihai - the son, Florea Olari, Sebastian Marte and Ion Boancăși. The materials were provided by Silvania International Prod, within the group of companies MIS GRUP SRL.
We thank once again the mayor Ioan Szabo, the restorers, the Silvania International Prod company and FANCY GARDEN - the "La barieră" inn.
The Town Hall of the Ostrov commune, Constanța county also responded to this initiative, which also sent a team of craftsmen last fall to restore the thatched roof of the Ostrov household in the museum.
We invite town halls, companies, people with a heart to join us in this endeavor and provide continuity by restoring a monument in the museum.
Contact person:
Rare Dina, Head of Section, Open Air permanent exhibition – Repertoire of Vernacular Architecture