120 years since the birth of Gheorghe Focșa
The National Museum of Dimitrie Gusti Village invites you on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, from 12:00 p.m., to the event dedicated to the one who was one of the founders of this museum and its director for 30 years: Gheorghe Focsa.
Few people know that the saving of the museum after 1947, when the communist officials decided to close it and move it to Mogoșoaia, is linked to the name of Gheorghe Focsa.
"Gheorhe Focsa was a man who loved this museum very much! The museum was his life. First of all, that he had been part of the royal teams that constituted the museum. Of course it hurt his soul when he saw what was happening to the museum. (...) in a short time, the issue of abolishing the museum was raised again, he stood in front of the archondaric and when the mayor of Bucharest came with the bulldozers to start the demolition, Focsa stood in front and said: "I don't want to speechless. Either pass over me or don't enter." Which was quite brave in those days. Then he walked everywhere to convince them to give up the idea of abolition. At the Ministry of Culture there was a Soviet representative who was an advisor and had to give his opinion on all kinds of things. From what I understand, he went to that one and received the following answer: "No. It is the history of the nation. You can not." And, for the moment, the waters calmed down.",Acad. Georgeta Stoica, one of Gheorghe Focșa's collaborators, in the interview given to Sinteză Magazine.
The current exhibition, opened in the HH Stahl Hall, will include photographs from the Village Museum Archive, letters, orders and medals received by Gheorghe Focsa, his office, the camera used in the field during research and many other objects that remind us of the one who he wanted to be buried in the place he loved so much.