National Competition Orthodox icon - light of faith

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village and the Romanian Patriarchy, through the Culture, Painting and Restoration Sector, the Painting Component and the Theological-Educational Sector, invite you on Thursday, June 06, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Hall HH Stahl to the opening of the exhibition in within the National CompetitionThe Orthodox icon – the light of faith, 13th edition. At the opening, Mrs. Conf. Univ. will take the floor. Dr. Paulina POPOIU, Manager and Nicolae HRIȚCU, patriarchal advisor.

The opening will be followed by a round table in which the competitors' works will be analyzed, how they responded to this year's theme, as well as aspects regarding the evaluation. The round table will be moderated by Monahia Atanasia Văetiși, art historian.

This year's competition comprises three sections –A. Icon on wood, B. Miniature, C. Draft design-, and is part of the series of events dedicated to the year 2024, declared by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox ChurchThe tribute year of pastoral care and the care of the sick and the commemorative year of all the holy healers without silver.

The exhibition can be visited between 06.06 and 07.31. 2024, in the HH Stahl Hall of the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum in Kiseleff Road no. 30, from Wednesday to Sunday, between 10.00 and 18.00.


June 06 2024- July 31 2024


10:00 - 18:00


Foyer HH Stahl


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

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