National Conservation-Restoration Conference "Doina Darvaș" 17th edition
Restoration: investţie versus value câetwoncomplicated, private patrimony versus public patrimony
The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest organizes the "Doina Darvaș" National Conservation-Restoration Conference between November 1-3, 2023 with the themeRestoration: investţie versus value câetwoncomplicated, private patrimony versus public patrimony.
The event, now in its 17th edition, is an opportunity for specialists in heritage research, conservation and restoration to exchange experience and present real cases, as well as solutions for the common problems of cultural property protectors, on which we wish to attract attention through selected scientific contributions.
This year's conference, with the acronym CONScience2023, includes the sections: case studies in the conservation and restoration of built heritage, modern strategies in the conservation and restoration of mobile heritage, laboratory scientific research.
The opening of the exhibition will also take place during the event, in the Sala de Sticlă, on November 1Restitutions - conserved and restored heritage.You will be able to admire objects from the museum's collections, conserved and restored over the past 10 years and which have been exhibited in various exhibitions in the country and abroad, as well as photos from the restoration of some houses in the museum.
More details:https://muzeul-satului.ro/; https://www.facebook.com/muzeulsatului