Awarding of the Romanian Academy awards
On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, the Romanian Academy will award the prizes for the most valuable scientific and artistic creations made in 2020.
The event will take place in the Aula of the Romanian Academy, starting at 10.00, in the presence of the members of the General Assembly. The prizes are awarded, according to the regulations, within the 14 scientific sections of the Romanian Academy, namely: literature and philology, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical sciences, information technology, biology, medicine, agronomy, forestry, sociology, psychology, philosophy , visual arts, theater and music.
Director of the Village Museum, university associate dr. Paula Popoiu, together with acad. Georgeta Stoica and Dr. Georgiana Onoiu will receive the "Simion Florea Marian" award for the work "The popular harbor from the Muntenia Plain in the collections of the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village.
400 objects analyzed. 400 stories behind each object. A challenge in many ways for both authors and readers, harbor specialists or not. The volume "Popular port from the Plain of Muntenia in the collections of the National Museum of the Village" is one of the 50 catalogs published by the museum's specialists in the last 10 years. All these occurrences are real bricks for the construction of a folk art treatise. "We don't have a folk art treaty because we don't have catalogs, and I'm pleading with all the museums in the country to publish catalogs with their collections," testified the academician. Georgeta Stoica, one of the authors and the one who managed in recent years to bring to the attention of those in love with port and Romanian barks, unknown histories and novel stories either from the research periods on the ground, or from the analysis of each individual object. This volume brings together the expertise of acad. Georgeta Stoica, associate professor Dr. Paula Popoiu and Dr. Georgiana Onoiu on 3 economically important areas and rich in sources of influence: Ilfov, Teleorman and Vlașca.
A pleasant and interesting read that we warmly recommend, now, on the eve of the holidays!