Icon in the fabric of memory: Macedonians. Arch over time

University of Bucharestand National Museum of the Village «Dimitrie Gusti»invites you to attend the opening of the exhibition

Icon in the fabric of memory: Macedonians. Arch over time

which will take place on September 19, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum, "Gheorghe Focșa" Hall (28 Kiseleff St.). The exhibition will be open until January 10, 2025.

The event marks, inthe anniversary year of the University of Bucharest(160 years since the foundation, July 4/16, 1864), a series of events relevant to the history of Macedonian-Romanians:145 years since the foundation of the Macedonian-Romanian Culture Society - SCMR(23 September/5 October 1879 and recognized by High Royal Decree on 15/27 April 1880),160 years since the establishment of the first school for Aromanians, on July 2/12, 1864, in Târnova, near Bitolia (today, in North Macedonia) and190 years since the birth of VA Urechia(February 15/27, 1834), the first president of SCMR and a great supporter of Macedonian Romanians, in their struggle for national emancipation. Thus, the purpose of the exhibition is to make known to the general public the history, culture and civilization of Macedonian Romanians, as well as their contribution to the development of the Romanian national state.

The exhibition captures, from a collaborative and interdisciplinary perspective, a series of important aspects related to the destiny of the Macedonian-Romanians, a component part of the Romanian people, located on the right or left of the Danube.

The realization of the event was possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture, through the support granted within the projectSouth-Danube Romanians. History, traditions, continuityand of the Department for Romanians Everywhere, through the projectMemory of places 2.0. In the footsteps of the south-Danube Romanians.

The main partner in the organization of the event is the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village, which participates with a large number of exhibits from its own heritage, the logistical and technical support in the organization of the event being particularly valuable.

During the exhibition, a series of original pieces (photographs, maps, documents, medals, banners, audio-video recordings, objects and ornaments, etc.) from the heritage of the project partners will be brought before the visitors: the Museum of the University of Bucharest, the Society of Culture Macedonian-Romanian, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Diplomatic Archives Unit, the "Constantin Brăiloiu" Institute of Ethnography and Folklore in Bucharest, the "Mușata Armână" Cultural Foundation from M. Kogălniceanu commune, Constanța county, the "Nicolae Iorga" Foundation from Saranda - Albania, Mr. Niculae Dușu and Celco SA, Matei Constantin (private collector). The results of the field research carried out within the project will also be exhibitedMemory of places 2.0. In the footsteps of the south-Danube Romanians, financed by the Department for Romanians Everywhere.

The curators of the exhibition are: Prof. Univ. Dr. Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu, Dr. Marian Crăciun, Prof. Univ. Dr. Florentina Nițu, Dr. Georgiana Onoiu.

Representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the Department for Romanians Everywhere will speak, Dr. Paula Popoiu, manager of the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village, Acad. Sabina Ispas, director of the Institute of Ethnography and Folklore "Constantin Brăiloiu", Acad. Nicolae Saramandu, President of the Macedonian-Romanian Culture Society, Adina Berciu-Drăghicescu, Marian Crăciun, Florentina Nițu.


Sept. 19 2024- Jan 10 2025


9:00 - 17:00


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village
Kiseleff Road, no. 28-30


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

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