"In Honor of Georgeta Stoica - 90"
"In Honorem Georgeta Stoica - 90" was the title of the event on Friday, January 28, 2022 organized by the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village on the occasion of the birthday of Dr. Georgeta Stoica, outstanding personality of Romanian ethnology, honorary member of the Romanian Academy. Academicians, representatives of the Ministry of Culture, directors of museums in the country, close friends were present.
"This is a meeting between friends because there are no museums in the country that do not bear the imprint of Mrs. Georgeta Stoica. Mrs. Georgeta Stoica is a forerunner, a forerunner, an educator and a person of infinite value. Something you find so rarely today - a connoisseur and promoter of the village, a man who knows how to appreciate the value and teaches others to do it, a man of great integrity and above all a lady passionate about life itself. It is a landmark in life," declared in the address to the university professor. Dr. Paula Popoiu, manager of the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village.
"Ms. Georgeta Stoica is a link between generations. I am privileged to have had the opportunity to learn from you. He enlightened others by leading them to perfection," testified today prof. univ. dr. Ioan Opris.
"Among all the personalities who marked and continue to mark certain aspects of the culture in Romania, in Europe, in terms of the vision regarding the harmony between identities, structures, historical dynamics, the aesthetic quality through which we express our thinking, Mrs. Stoica is a landmark", affirmed during the event acad. Sabina Ispas.
"You were and are an extremely consistent professional benchmark. We are all your product too. Part of us has to thank you because we made a career because of you. Through you, Romania managed to become known in this field. You carry on the Gustian School. Our careers are owed to you because you were with us in the important moments," testified Dr. Ligia Fulga.
"Millions of words cannot describe what Mrs. Georgeta Stoica did for Romanian culture. We are fortunate to have been contemporaries of an exceptional man. I am lucky to have worked with Ms. Stoica in various very complicated situations. Mrs. Stoica was a generous supporter of all those who wanted to do something," declared Dr. Ernest Oberlander Tarnoveanu.
For her part, Mrs. Georgeta Stoica declared: "I would like the young generations to understand that nothing can be done without work, work and more work, without knowledge of heritage. Every period in a man's life has its beauty and we must enjoy when we are young certain aspects of life and enjoy when we are old the years we have, thank God that we have arrived here."
The event dedicated to Mrs. Georgeta Stoica and the completion of a venerable age, of which more than half was put at the service of Culture and the Village Museum, also included the launch of the tribute volume IN HONOR GEORGETA STOICA-90.
„Doamna Georgeta Stoica și-a legat definitiv, de decenii bune, numele de artă populară românească, iar scrierile sale sunt adevărate efigii dedicate cunoașterii culturii și civilizației poporului român. Crestăturile în lemn, interiorul locuinței țărănești, podoabele costumului popular, portul popular, arhitectură tradițională, zonele etnografice (Câmpia Munteniei, Gorjul, Oltul, Vâlcea, Slatina, Branul, Câmpia Boianului, Suceava, Vrancea etc.), colecțiile de covoare (din Transilvania, Banat, Moldova, Oltenia), centrele de ceramică, ocupațiile țărănești etc. sunt numai câteva dintre subiectele cărților și articolelor sale de specialitate. A condus instituțîi și colective de cercetare, între care Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” i-a fost și îi este cel mai drag. Acolo și-a lăsat o parte din viață, partea plină de pasiune pentru artă populară, pentru cutumă și tradiție. Cărțile și conferințele sale au ajuns la sufletele oamenilor – deopotrivă români și străini – fiindcă a respectat mereu o deontologie severă de viață, dar și pentru că inima și mintea i-au fost mereu flancate de „vorba dulce” care „mult aduce”.”, scrie acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, președintele Academiei Române, în articolul „Omagiu la vârstă nemuririi…” dedicat doamnei acad. Georgeta Stoica.
The event ended with a piano recital by the pianist Sînziana Mircea.
Happy birthday, Mrs. Georgeta Stoica!