Sânzienele at the Village Museum

Vă invităm în data de 24 iunie la sediul instituției din Șos. Kiseleff nr. 28-30, la evenimentul „Sânzienele la Muzeul Satului”.

The agrarian ritual associated with the summer solstice is also known as Cap de văra, Dragaica, Sânziene, Amutitul Cuckoo. It is an important celebration in the world of the Romanian village, interweaving solar worship and Christian tradition, with meanings related to fertility, health and love; now the medicinal plants are harvested, the luck of the animals is found, the progress of the harvests and the bear of the young girls, rituals are performed to hasten marriage, long life and fecundity, but also to drive away evil spirits and commemorate the dead, the "grandfathers of Sânziene" , because now it is believed that the heavens open and the worlds intertwine.

Even now, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Birth of Saint John the Baptist, and in Bucovina the Bringing of the relics of Saint John the New from Suceava is celebrated.

This day is holy and must be observed, no one must work when the sun plays in the sky or stands still at noon. Now there are parties and parties, an opportunity for boys and girls to get to know each other.

The tradition is valued in literature and made known abroad, Sânzienele being mentioned since the 18th century by Dimitrie Cantemir in his workDescriptio Moldaviae,MeanwhileNight of Sânzieneof Mircea Eliade had numerous translations.

The magic of the holiday is carried forward by the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village through shows and workshops, to which you can sign up by accessing the links below:


– workshops for braiding crowns:https://forms.gle/3RuWq74tjTsxTWks9

– the soap making workshop:https://forms.gle/zRJPSWMxs6CDki7i8


Between the hours of 11:30-14:30 the Vatra Harmanului Ensemble will be present on the alleys of the museum and in the courtyard of the Drăguș household with Sânziene Customs.

We are waiting for you, therefore, to cross our threshold and enter the world of secrets of this celebration.

More details:relatii.publice@muzeul-satului.ro



June 24 2023


9:00 - 19:00


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village
Kiseleff Road, no. 28-30


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

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