Armindeni fair
From May 1, we invite you to the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village, at the Târgul de Armindeni, a good opportunity for meetings, business and discussions, as in the village of old. A holiday in the popular Romanian calendar, Armindenul is the god of vegetation, protector of animals, farms, vineyards, orchards and people.
Tradition says that on this day the pillars and gates of houses, the entrances to cattle shelters and household outbuildings are decorated with green branches, to offer protectionto animals and people against evil. On this day, the villagers gathered in the meadows, on the green grass, in the forest, in the vineyards and orchards, consuming roast lamb and red wine mixed with wormwood, to change the blood and protect against diseases.
The fair will take place in the premises of the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village and will take place throughout the day, between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.