The bread fair

Bread fair on Romanian Village Day

The National Museum of the Dimitrie Gusti Village together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development invites you on September 22-24, 2023, to celebrate the Romanian Village Day together. "The Romanian village is the key to our understanding as Romanians in the great choir of European nations, it is the place where the past meets the present to prepare the future. The village speaks of the deep history of the country. He does not speak through glorious events, he does not retain far-reaching historical data, the heroes of the villages are anonymous, most often; the village, however, speaks through the daily life of the inhabitant, still conditioned by the fertility of the land, by rain and sun, by the harvests gathered at the end of the seasons, which flow rhythmically according to the cosmic clock of the universe, not according to the hurried one of modern man." , declares university associate. Dr. Paula Popoiu, general director of the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest. On this occasion, visitors are invited toThe bread fair .

Through this event, we want to bring to the visitors' attention the complexity of the valences of food, which occupies an important place in any civilization; thus, both the social role of bread, of bringing communities together, and the magical-ritual, spiritual, apotropaic or even oracular element are emphasized.

In various forms, from the round one associated with solar symbols, to the braided one that recalls universal dualism, or even anthropomorphic (carols or bolindets), bread has accompanied the great events in human life, marking the thresholds to a new beginning, which is full of prosperity, hope, joy. She is present at the birth of the child, at the wedding, but also at the funeral, seen as a passage to eternal life. Bread is the central element of the religious ritual - the supreme gift given by God to man, through which union with Jesus Christ is accomplished in the Mystery of the Eucharist: "Take, eat; this is My Body”.

The world of bread opens to you in the courtyard of the Village Museum, on the Day of the Romanian Village, where you can discover its unsuspected secrets and powers, enjoying the countless flavors and shapes it takes on, from the traditional one, which reminds you of your childhood in your grandparents' yard, to to the most surprising creations. There will be artisan bakers, producers, communities, embassies of some countries present in Romania who will present their traditions gathered around our everyday bread.

"Romanian Village Day" was established by Law no. 44/2020. "Romanian Village Day can be organized by central and local public administration authorities, by other state institutions, by natural or legal persons by organizing and participating in programs and events of a social, cultural and scientific nature in order to appreciate and to promote the Romanian village", the law states.


Sept. 23 - 24 2023


9:00 - 19:00


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village
Kiseleff Road, no. 28-30


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

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