The Flowers come with the sun and the sun with the Flowers
The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village invites you, from April 26 to 28, 2024, to the cultural event "The Flowers come with the sun and the sun with the Flowers",occasioned by the great feast of Christianity and one of the greatest royal feasts,Palm Sunday, when the Lord's triumphal entry into Jerusalem is relived, a moment that marks the beginning of Passion Week.
FeastPalmon National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village offers the visiting public the meeting with folk craftsmen and artists. This year, after the Holy Liturgy, celebrated at the Turea Church in Satul Nou by Protosinghel Hrisant, from the Radu Vodă Monastery in Bucharest,the public will be invited to the Dumitra stage where famous artists from all over the country will sing and dance. Also, during the three days, it will take place in the alleys of the museumThe Flower Fair, where you will be able to buy gifts for your loved ones, as well as gastronomic products specific to this period.
We are waiting for you to enjoy the big celebration together!
APRIL 26 – 28, 2024
9.00-19.00- Come to the Flower Fair... pots, small spoons, spoons, ii, kettles, opinci, jams: pies, muffins, gingerbread, pot, honey and many flowers!
SATURDAY, APRIL 27 – Lazarus Saturday
11.30- 14.00- Let's learn to "write" Easter eggs!- painted egg workshop - Dragomireşti Church, Maramureş
Interactive demonstration supported by craftsmen from Suceava: Elena Hojda, Valeria Fercal, Cristina Niga
9.00 – 19.00- Come to the Flower Fair... pots, small spoons, spoons, ii, kettles, opinci, jams: pies, muffins, gingerbread, pot, honey and many flowers!
SUNDAY, APRIL 28 - Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - 6th Sunday of Lent, Palm Sunday
9.00 - 11.30 - Holy Liturgy - Turea Church, Satul Nou
Oficiază – Protosinghel Hrisant, Mănăstirea Radu Vodă, Bucureşti
“A venit un Om la Domnul!”, pricesne interpretate de Maria Tănase Marin (Valea Teleajănului, Prahova)
13.00 – 14.00- În Duminica Floriilor, cu ramuri de sălcii venim- Scena Dumitra
Momente folclorice susținute de solistele de muzică populară: Floarea Calotă, (Teleorman), Margareta Clipa (Suceava)
14.00 – 14.30- Vin Floriile cu soare şi soarele cu Florii si cu glasuri de copii- Scena Dumitra
Fanfara de copii (Telciu, Bistrița Năsăud), coordonator- Ioan Mureșan
14.30 – 14.45 – Câte flori sunt pe pământ- Scena Dumitra
Momente folclorice susținute de Maria Tănase Marin (Valea Teleajănului, Prahova) si Grupul de copii Ciobănașul de la munte (Prahova), coordonator- Adriana Deaconu
14.45 – 15.15- Pe la noi prin Prahova- Scena Dumitra
Momente folclorice susținute de Ansamblul folcloric Garofița (Brătășeanca, Prahova), coordonator- Constatin Chiru
Prezintă actorul Nicolae Mihai Alexandru
9.00 – 19.00- Hai la Târgul de Florii… oale, străchini, linguri, ii, catrințe, opinci, dulcegării: plăcinte, cozonaci, turtă dulce, halviță, miere și multe flori!