National Culture Day

The National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village in Bucharest is organizing, on January 15, 2025, the National Culture Day, the eventI miss Eminescu, which will include a program of music and poetry dedicated to our national poet. They will participate: the rhapsode Lorena Oltean, the soprano of Albanian origin Arlinda Morava accompanied on the piano by Adriana Alexandru, the actors Nae Alexandru, Cristina Deleanu and Eugen Cristea will recite from Eminesian poetry. The event marks the 174th anniversary of the birth of the Light of Romanian poetry and will take place in the Victor Ion Popa hall in Sos. Kiseleff no. 30, starting at 11:00.

Also, in the Marble Hall, the exhibition will be openedQueen Mary – A Century and a Half, organized by the National Heritage Institute and the National Museum of the Village "Dimitrie Gusti".The event marks 150 years since the birth of Queen Maria of Romania and illustrates the personality of the legendary sovereign, who continues to give us lessons about beauty, diplomacy, sacrifice, courage, patriotism. The exhibition brings together some of Queen Maria's books in princeps editions, one of them bearing her autograph. The Queen's snuffbox, a pencil with a monogram, a pen portrait from the engagement, photographs, postcards, advertisements, stamps, medals will also be exhibited.EThe exhibition is complemented by plates with original photographs, documents, watercolors and representative graphic works of Queen Mary and will also be reconstituted the atmosphere of the era by exhibiting pieces of clothing and accessories from the period 1900-1930.



Jan 15 2025


11:00 - 17:00


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village
Kiseleff Road, no. 28-30


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

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