National Minorities Day December 18, 2024

The Department for Interethnic Relations within the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania in collaboration with the National Museum of the VillageDimitrie Gusti will organize on December 18, 2024 a series of events dedicated to the celebrationNational Minorities Day.

Within them, from 11:30 a.m., in the Victor Ion Popa hall of the National Museum of the Dimitrie Gusti Village, there will bethe recording of the album and the opening of the exhibition "Comunitate. Multiculturalism. Development". Also, the new "Loly Haute Couture" collection of Roma fashion designer Zita Moldovan will be presented, a collection inspired by the cultural heritage of the traditional clothing of the Roma community. The volume "Avram Iancu - The European Character of the Romanian Revolution of 1848-1849" will also be released under the signature of prof. Dr. Gheorghe Firczak,event dedicated to the Avram Iancu year.

From 13.00,on the stage of the Victor Ion Popa Hall, there will also be a show supported by ensembles of the Associations and Unions of national minorities.

On December 18, 1992, the UN General Assembly adopted the "Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Linguistic and Religious Minorities", the first international document that offered a guarantee of respect for the rights of minorities. Following this decision, a number of states declared December 18 the Day of National Minorities. Romania rallied to this international approach in 1998, by approving GD no. 881/1998, December 18 is declared "National Minorities Day". Starting from 2017, December 18th is established as the "Day of National Minorities in Romania" as a national holiday.


18 Dec 2024


9:00 - 17:00


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village
Kiseleff Road, no. 28-30


National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village

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