Law 544/2001 applied in the museum

1. What do you need to know about free access to information of public interest?

The information of public interest communicated ex officio is the following:

1. Organization and Operation Regulation of MNSDG

2. Organizational structure – MNSDG organizational chart

3. Internal Regulations of the MNSDG

4. Operating schedule of MNSDG

5. The name of the person responsible for public information at the MNSDG level - Iuliana Mariana Balaci - Director of Communication, Museum Education, according to Decision no. 20/02.02.2016 updated in 2020 with no. 17/12.02.2020 issued by the management of the institution; the same decision also regulates the cost of the service of copying the information requested on paper, by the parties interested in information of public interest within the National Museum of the "Dimitrie Gusti" Village - 1 lei/color A4 page and 0.60 lei/black-and-white A4 page .

6. The contact details of MNSDG, respectively: name, headquarters, phone numbers, fax, e-mail address and website address

*All this information can be found on the MNSDG website

7. The list including the documents considered of public interest –

*Categories of information – Lists A and B can be found in the current year's Newsletter.

8. The methods of contesting the decision of the MNSDG in the situation where the user considers himself injured regarding the right of access to the requested public interest information

*All this information can be found at the person responsible for public information and the relationship with civil society

9. Financial sources, budget and balance sheet

10. The list including the categories of documents produced/managed according to the law

*All this information can be found at the Economic Directorate

11. Own programs and strategies

*All this information can be found at the Communication Department

2. What is the information provided upon request?

Any information provided as a result of a written or verbal request is considered information on request.

3. How can information provided on request be obtained?

a) verbally- by directly addressing the person responsible for public information at the MNSDG level. If the information is available, it can be provided on the spot, and if this is not possible, the applicant will be directed to submit a written request

b) written- on paper - with all the details necessary to identify the requested information and with the applicant's identification data: surname, first name, signature, telephone number and address (domicile and e-mail)

c) or electronicto the e-mail address of the person responsible for public information in the MNSDG - with all the above-mentioned details

– In this case, the request will receive a registration number;
– On the MNSDG website, you will find the standard application form, according to the legal provisions in force.

4. What are the costs of access to information?

Access to information of public interest is free. The applicant does not have to pay for the search and identification services of the information, except in the case that copies of official documents are requested, when the cost of the copying services must be borne.

5. How long does it take to get a response to a request?

The institution has the obligation to respond in writing within 5 working days from the submission of the request. If a longer period of identification of the information is required, depending on the difficulty, complexity and volume of the requested information, the petitioner will receive the answer within a maximum of 30 working days from the submission of the request and will be notified about it within 5 working days.

If the requested information is part of the category of classified documents and is an exception to free access, the applicant will be notified within 5 working days at most.

6. Can an administrative complaint be filed regarding the violation of the right of free access to public information?

Yes, within no more than 30 days from the explicit or tacit refusal of the institution and it is addressed to its head, with the applicant receiving a response within no more than 15 days from the registration of the complaint. If the complaint is well-founded, the response will contain the information of public interest originally requested and the disciplinary sanctions applied to the guilty party will be mentioned.

7. Can the applicant go to court if he considers himself violated regarding the right of free access to public information?

Yes, after the passage of 30 days from the initial request or after the response received by the applicant to the administrative complaint, at the administrative litigation section of the court in whose territorial area the public institution addressed is domiciled or headquartered. The court can compel the public institution to provide the requested public interest information. If the applicant is dissatisfied with the court's decision, it can be appealed to the Court of Appeal, whose decision remains final and irrevocable. Both the action filed at the first instance and the appeal from the Court of Appeal are exempt from paying the stamp duty.
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